# 에어얀(AIR YARN) 55% 할인+보글백 도안11.08 단 하루!! AM 00:00 ~ PM 24:00
데일리뜨개 출간기념 이벤트
# 김대리의 데일리 뜨개 출간 기념 이벤트작품실 10% 할인!! 11.7(화) ~ 11.12(일) 까지
레지아 양말실 2종 신규 런칭
# 아마노(AMANO) 5종실 이벤트 할인!!품절 시 재입고가 없는 단 한 번의 기회!!
# 버터6 레벨업 내맘대로 목도리₩ 16,000
# 바늘아카데미 온라인클래스 오픈!집에서도 바늘아카데미의 체계적인 수업을 만나보세요.
# 테디울 탑다운 라운드넥 조끼₩ 20,500
# 리티 몽실이 귀도리₩ 29,000
# 익스플로러 키치 브이넥 조끼₩ 41,000
# 테디울 레글런 탑다운 라운드넥 가디건₩ 44,400
  • 모바일 유저를 위한바늘이야기 앱

  • 회원가입시 드리는다양한 혜택

  • 혜택의 차원이 다른대량구매 상담

  • 감사한 마음으로 드리는이 달의 사은품

  • 모든걸 알려주는바늘이야기 아카데미

  • 조금만 기다려주세요재입고 일정

  • 손뜨개 기초강좌무료 도안

  • 진심이 담긴 마음으로바늘이야기 스토리

바늘이야기 회원님들을 위한특별한 선물!

PetiteKnit번역 도안 패키지 모음
디자인은 물론 퀄리티까지양말 뜨기 좋은 실
클래스가 다른 손뜨개 전문 아카데미바늘 아카데미
사랑을 전하세요머플러데이 KIT
편하고 재미있게 떠 보자!탑다운 패키지 모음
언제 어디서든 편하게무료 동영상 기초강좌
프랑스 고급 100% 실켓 면사코튼2 할인 이벤트

New Yarn

  • 01
    Pingo Brush Mohair (1ball/50g±5g)
    Pingo Brush Mohair (1ball/50g±5g)
    (Winter) Thick and soft mohair without gloss
    8.38 USD
  • 02
    Noble Cashmere (1ball/100g±10g)
    Noble Cashmere (1ball/100g±10g)
    (four seasons) Thick and warm, sustainable & traceable Cashmere
    80.18 USD
  • 03
    Buddy Buddy (1ball/100g±10g)
    Buddy Buddy (1ball/100g±10g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Perfect yarn for knitting a crochet bag for winter
    7.29 USD
  • 04
    Nautical mile(Harry)(1ball/50g±5g)
    Nautical mile(Harry)(1ball/50g±5g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Glossy-free winged yarn that is good for both solo and combined use
    5.10 USD
  • 05
    New Teddy Wool (1ball/100g±5g)
    New Teddy Wool (1ball/100g±5g)
    This is a newly renewed Teddy Wool product. All purchases made before November 18, 2024 are Teddy Wool before renewal. (Autumn/Winter) New Teddy Wool with improved thickness and softness than the existing Teddy Wool.
    4.74 USD
  • 06
    For Me (1ball/200g±10g)
    For Me (1ball/200g±10g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Chain-knit wing yarn that allows you to quickly complete a piece with thick needles without skeins
    10.93 USD
  • 07
    Cotton 3 (Phil Coton3) (1Piece/50g)
    Cotton 3 (Phil Coton3) (1Piece/50g)
    This is a newly renewed Cotton 3 product.
    (For all seasons) Bags, Props, coasters, doilies, etc. 100% French cotton yarn that is good for crochet, Needle Story Bestseller
    4.37 USD
  • 08
    Wool-Al-Co (1 cone/360g±30g excluding core) Wool 62% Alpaca 21% Cotton 17%
    Wool-Al-Co (1 cone/360g±30g excluding core) Wool 62% Alpaca 21% Cotton 17%
    2nd batch product with increased weight from 260g to 360g (free shipping)
    100% natural fiber thick mohair feel cone
    37.90 USD

New Arrival

  • 01
    [Tags/Labels/Wappen] Butter Vintage Labels
    [Tags/Labels/Wappen] Butter Vintage Labels
    Labels with a vintage feel, with low saturation colors and a lot of weaving sweat
    1.02 USD
  • 02
    [Other Accessories] Beachwood Sheep Bobbin
    [Other Accessories] Beachwood Sheep Bobbin
    Pretty bobbin for winding yarn for color matching or leftover yarn
    1.53 USD
  • 03
    [KnitPro] Black Stainless Steel Assembly Needle Cable (Gold)
    [KnitPro] Black Stainless Steel Assembly Needle Cable (Gold)
    No restocking when sold out
    Compatible with all KnitPro products
    4.37 USD
    3.86 USD
  • 04
    [Tulip] Amicole Basic Accessories Set (Medium)
    [Tulip] Amicole Basic Accessories Set (Medium)
    We recommend this product to customers who want to purchase it as a set, as it includes the crochet hook, single crochet hook, and crochet hook needed for knitting.
    11.66 USD
  • 05
    [Tulip] Amicole Basic Accessories Set (small)
    [Tulip] Amicole Basic Accessories Set (small)
    We recommend this product to customers who want to purchase it as a set, as it includes the crochet hook, single crochet hook, and crochet hook needed for knitting.
    11.66 USD
  • 06
    [Tulip] Amicole Single Ring SMALL
    [Tulip] Amicole Single Ring SMALL
    It is used to indicate increases and decreases in knitting stitches, and is a single-count indicator ring that does not come loose easily and is easy to put on and take off.
    3.79 USD
  • 07
    Pingo Brush Mohair (1ball/50g±5g)
    Pingo Brush Mohair (1ball/50g±5g)
    (Winter) Thick and soft mohair without gloss
    8.38 USD
  • 08
    [Doll accessories] Dusty eyes (8mm×17mm)
    [Doll accessories] Dusty eyes (8mm×17mm)
    These are cute little eyes that can be attached to dolls or key rings.
    0.73 USD
  • 09
    [Doll accessories] Dusty duck mouth (18mm×5mm)
    [Doll accessories] Dusty duck mouth (18mm×5mm)
    This is a duck mouth that can be attached to a doll or key ring.
    0.58 USD
  • 010
    (71281) Yarn Thread Vol.10 (Winter 2024)
    (71281) Yarn Thread Vol.10 (Winter 2024)
    The No. 1 knitting & handmade magazine loved around the world
    〈Yarn Thread Vol. 10〉 Special feature on ‘stylish knits’ to match with the clothes in your closet!
    17.49 USD
    15.74 USD
  • 11
    Noble Cashmere (1ball/100g±10g)
    Noble Cashmere (1ball/100g±10g)
    (four seasons) Thick and warm, sustainable & traceable Cashmere
    80.18 USD
  • 12
    Buddy Buddy (1ball/100g±10g)
    Buddy Buddy (1ball/100g±10g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Perfect yarn for knitting a crochet bag for winter
    7.29 USD
  • 13
    New Teddy Wool (1ball/100g±5g)
    New Teddy Wool (1ball/100g±5g)
    This is a newly renewed Teddy Wool product. All purchases made before November 18, 2024 are Teddy Wool before renewal. (Autumn/Winter) New Teddy Wool with improved thickness and softness than the existing Teddy Wool.
    4.74 USD
  • 14
    Wool Aran (1ball/100g) 100% Super Wash Wool
    Wool Aran (1ball/100g) 100% Super Wash Wool
    (Winter) Classic 100% super wash wool thread with a pretty Aran pattern.
    8.02 USD
  • 15
    Highland Alpaca Boucle (1ball/100g±10g) Highland Wool 70%, Alpaca 30%
    Highland Alpaca Boucle (1ball/100g±10g) Highland Wool 70%, Alpaca 30%
    (Autumn/Winter) Light and warm, soft and fluffy bouclé fabric when it touches the skin.
    13.48 USD
  • 16
    Creme Cashmere Wool 5% Cashmere, 95% Extra Superfine Merino Wool
    Creme Cashmere Wool 5% Cashmere, 95% Extra Superfine Merino Wool
    (Autumn/Winter) Domestically produced yarn containing 5% Cashmere and 95% Australian extra super fine merino wool
    23.33 USD
  • 17
    Pigment Wool (1 cone/260g±10g excluding paper core) Fine wool 60%, Nylon 35%, Acrylic 5%
    Pigment Wool (1 cone/260g±10g excluding paper core) Fine wool 60%, Nylon 35%, Acrylic 5%
    (four seasons) Consa with creamy colors inspired by the colors of impressionist paintings
    13.85 USD
  • 18
    (89632) Kim Dae-ri's Taste Knit
    (89632) Kim Dae-ri's Taste Knit
    It's a great season for knitting, so let's start with a top-down that's easy to knit and fits well!
    15.31 USD
  • 19
    For Me (1ball/200g±10g)
    For Me (1ball/200g±10g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Chain-knit wing yarn that allows you to quickly complete a piece with thick needles without skeins
    10.93 USD
  • 20
    [Suit Button] New Turtle Button
    [Suit Button] New Turtle Button
    (Minimum purchase quantity 2 pieces) This is a round, ring-shaped button that resembles the pattern of a turtle's back.
    0.44 USD
  • 21
    Alpine Alpaca (1ball/150g±10g)
    Alpine Alpaca (1ball/150g±10g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Thick and light Alpaca yarn perfect for knitting Cowichan
    7.65 USD
  • 22
    Mohair Trendy (1ball/100g±10g)
    Mohair Trendy (1ball/100g±10g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Rich, thick, cost-effective mohair
    8.38 USD
  • 23
    The Cashwool (1 cone/260g±10g excluding core) Cashmere 10%, Wool 40%, Acrylic 30%, Nylon 20%
    The Cashwool (1 cone/260g±10g excluding core) Cashmere 10%, Wool 40%, Acrylic 30%, Nylon 20%
    (four seasons) Cashmere and wool blend yarn with a soft feel that does not feel burdensome on bare skin
    21.14 USD
  • 24
    Phil Couture (1ball/50g)
    Phil Couture (1ball/50g)
    (Autumn/Winter) A yarn with a subtle sparkle and a gold pearl mixed in to create a focal point.
    12.39 USD
  • 25
    Phil Romantico (1ball/50g)
    Phil Romantico (1ball/50g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Soft and warm yarn wrapped in a tube woven with pulsar and baby alpaca and merino wool.
    13.85 USD
  • 26
    Phil Felin (1ball/25g)
    Phil Felin (1ball/25g)
    (Autumn/Winter) Yarn with a rich hair feel and a naturally flowing print pattern that creates a stylish pattern.
    8.75 USD
  • 27
    [Pin holder/ruler/scissors/sewing ring] Delivery knife, ruler
    [Pin holder/ruler/scissors/sewing ring] Delivery knife, ruler
    This is a tape measure that can be used to measure the size of a product right after opening the package.
    7.65 USD
  • 28
    Simply Denim (1ball/100g±10g)
    Simply Denim (1ball/100g±10g)
    (four seasons) A denim-like cotton blend with a similar feel to drifter
    6.92 USD

Best Shop

  • 01
    Cotton10 (1ball/250g ±10g)
    Cotton10 (1ball/250g ±10g)
    Sales exceeded 150,000 units
    (four seasons) 100% combed cotton yarn with the perfect thickness for bag knitting
    10.93 USD
  • 02
    Drawing paper (1ball/80g±5g)
    Drawing paper (1ball/80g±5g)
    (four seasons) Like drawing paper, an all-purpose thread with endless possibilities and potential.
    1.97 USD
  • 03
    I'm not Leather (1ball/250g±20g)
    I'm not Leather (1ball/250g±20g)
    (For all seasons) Leather-like thread made of 100% polyester
    14.58 USD
  • 04
    Needle Story Knitting Ring - Unicorn Edition
    Needle Story Knitting Ring - Unicorn Edition
    This knitting ring is made by upcycling recycled plastic for sustainability with the earth in mind.
    5.10 USD
  • 05
    [KnitPro] [Domestic exclusive sale] KnitPro Denim Assembled Short Tip Set
    [KnitPro] [Domestic exclusive sale] KnitPro Denim Assembled Short Tip Set
    This is a prefabricated short tip set that is compatible with all Knitpro products.
    49.57 USD
  • 06
    [KnitPro] Ginger Assembled Short Tip Set
    [KnitPro] Ginger Assembled Short Tip Set
    A set of short needles made of natural wood that can be useful when knitting cylindrical tissue.
    (sold out) 56.13 USD

Photo Review